Sravan and Senthil (MBA students) with Sreevatsava and Dat (graduates)
Sreevatsava, along with Pui leng Wong (Officer - Examinations and Ceremonies) & Kendrick Tan (Director Operations)To be graduates eagerly awaiting for the ceremony to begin
Google, Blog Search and You
It would appear, as some have speculated, that Google is working on just about everything that its hundreds of engineers can sink their intellectual teeth into.
Hey, great blog! Keep it up.
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Yahoo Publisher Network Invite for sale on eBay
Can't get into the Yahoo Publisher Network, well some crafty chap from India is apparently selling a YPN invite on eBay here .
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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Hi Arun, am Harini writing from india. i have done my bsc electronic media at MOP Vaishnav, Chennai. would like to pursue MBA in singapore. have heard about james cook univ. could you let me have your views for doing mba marketing in james cook? 1] its recognition, [2] faculties [3] job opportunity after completion etc. please reply to : hariniramachandhran@yahoo.com thanks.
Hi arun,
I am joining JCU in March for MBA. Thank you soo much for this blog. its really helped me a lot. God bless you for putting up such awesome views on the uni, some ppl have written very mean things about JCU which put me off.. but i am glad i came across your blog.
Thank you.
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